Family Membership:

Active JEA members receive a discount.

If you are interested in exploring our membership options and benefits, please reach out to [email protected]. (Note: the membership discount can be applied retroactively, if you decide to become a member within 30 days of enrollment).

If registering as a member in error or member status is inactive on date of service, the credit card used for registration will be charged the remaining guest rate balance. 


Select all dates your child will attend.

7AM Drop Off Add on Option

If you need to drop off before 8am, select the dates below for early morning drop off option (beginning at 7am).

Child Information

Terms & Permissions

I, the undersigned, as parent and/or legal guardian of the child identified on this form, do hereby give the Jewish Educational Alliance, Inc., and JEA Children’s Department permission to use names, photographs and videos of my camper. Photographs and videos may be used for promotional, fundraising, and educational purposes and programs to promote JEA Children’s Department and future JEA programming. I hereby release the Jewish Educational Alliance, Inc., and JEA Children's Department, and all of its employees, trustees, officers, directors, volunteers, students, agents and assigns from any and all liability and financial obligations related to the use of any photography or videos of me or my dependents.

Permission is not given to the media release terms listed above.

Permission and Release to Travel
I, the undersigned, as parent and/or legal guardian of the child identified on this enrollment, do hereby give permission for my child to participate in JEA Children Department programs including any and all bus transportation. I also release, indemnify, and hold harmless the Jewish Educational Alliance, Inc. and all of its employees, trustees, officers, directors, volunteers, students, agents and assigns from any and all liability, damages, and claims of any nature whatsoever. I understand and agree that participation in any of these activities has risks of injury. Despite precautions, accidents and injuries may occur and personal injury/and or loss or damage to personal property may occur as a result of participation in this program. Therefore, I assume all risks related to the activities.
In case of an emergency I hereby assume all responsibility and costs that may be incurred for medical treatment which may be rendered to my child.
I have read and agree to comply with the terms of this waiver of liability. My signature below indicates that I have read, understood, and freely signed this agreement. I expressly agree that this agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Georgia, and I consent to the jurisdiction of said State. I agree that this waiver and release is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted under Georgia laws so that if any portion hereof is held invalid, the balance shall continue in full legal force and effect.

**Attention!! Once you click the submit button, Payment is charged Today for all selections made.**

If employee discount is applied in error or employee status or coupon code privilege is inactive on date of service, the credit card used for registration will be charged the remaining balance.

RegFox Event Registration Software